Gleix Video Synth // The I.F.D. // A semi-modular analog video synthesizer

The I.F.D.

A self contained semi-modular audiovisual synthesizer for video feedback, digital glitches, drones and colorful experimentation

I feel like I’ve spent as much time documenting this build as I did making it, so I’m really excited to finally be sharing it with the world. This is what I might consider my “flagship” video synthesizer for the time being and it will serve as a reference point moving forward. Check out the page for this build here at

Via the IFD page:

The I.F.D., or Industrial Feedback Device, is an audiovisual synthesizer based around a no-input video feedback loop, video RAM and buffer manipulations, simple oscillator functionality, audio reactivity and sound generation, and CV implementation to allow easy integration into an existing modular ecosystem (esp. eurorack).

The I/O includes two composite video outputs, a VGA output, an external audio input (1/8” and 1/4”), and a standard 2.1mm barrel jack for a 5v power supply.

The originally beige enclosure was painted with an industrial theme and intentionally weathered and the primary aluminum control panel was given a circular brushed look to fit the theme.