
Video: Gleix Live @ NKB x Ars Electronica NYC // "60Hz" (Live AV performance)

Performed live on September 9th, 2021 at Culture Lab LIC in NYC as part of a showcase put together by Never Knows Better at the Ars Electronica Festival Garden.

This performance utilizes a fully DIY modular audiovisual synthesizer, a collection of custom controllable systems built in Touchdesigner, and a CRT TV which has been modified into an pseudo-oscilloscope receiving dedicated audio & video feeds to generate colored waveforms.

Three 60Hz tones are generated by the AV modular representing the three RGB color channels, panned left, center, and right respectively. These three underlying tones, which the piece is fully built around, have harmonics which shift depending on the shape of the individual color channels in the image, with peaks of amplitude being built for each color's pixels as the image is scanned through on each refresh of the video signal. Additional waveform generators and simple oscillators are injected into the color channels and 'played' in tune with the underlying tones by dialing in exact frequencies, which at multiples of 60Hz, will also form stable scanlines in the receiving color channel.

Touchdesigner serves as a complex collection of controllable systems for handling & manipulating audio, video input, as a standalone visual system, to introduce generative elements and contained-randomness when triggering external audio elements and visual subsystems, and for general data & MIDI processing. Percussive elements, rhodes, and additional audio processing in FL Studio.

DIY Modular:

CRT Scope:


Check out other performances from the showcase:

Event page:

Thank you NKB & Ars Electronica for the opportunity.

Thank you Ulisespal for providing additional footage

My DIY Modular Video Synthesizer // Overview video, demo

Finally - after stopping work on this thing last December I’ve finally got a video about it to share.

Via the youtube description:

“Been a long time coming! Happy to finally get a basic demo together for this build I made over the course of a few months last year. Hope you enjoy! Might make more videos or stream about this thing in the future to explore some of the things I glossed over and show some other things it can do.”

More info about the build can be found here

A page for the DIY Modular Video Synthesizer is up!

I finally got myself to put together the basics of a page for my DIY video modular! Right now it lists out all of the current modules with information & photos of each. In the future I’m hoping to add additional image galleries of what the modules do individually, make videos explaining things, add documentation/schematics, and go into a bit more detail. For the moment, though, I’m just happy to have something up. There’s only 30hp left unfilled :)

Check it out over at


Drip // A sketch with the in-progress Gleix Video Modular

Via youtube description -

I've been quietly working on a DIY Modular Video Synthesizer. Here's a little sketch using the current working modules, a circuit bent Casio SK-1, and the Modbox 37. Lots to document on the modular! A lot has been done but I've not documented it just yet, hoping to get to that soon - more to come.

Casio SK-1 & MB37:

Initial blogpost re: modular:

Beginning the Gleix Video Modular

After building the VGS-35, VGS-FB, and eventually the 100PFB, I realized that I wanted to do a more fully-formed video synthesizer for myself.

I went back and forth on layout designs, enclosures, what to include, how to include it, and ultimately realized that the project was continuously expanding in scope as I learned more and more. I was removing features based on the size of the enclosures I could find, and limiting the functionality as a result.

So, after realizing that I don’t want to limit myself, and I want to be able to expand my video synth as I continue to learn, I’ve decided to go the modular route.

modular layout ideas v5-01.png

Panel Progress

I’ve been working first on designing a layout and building a few panels. None of these are functional yet, except for the LFO which I built based on Niklas Ronnberg’s design as I needed a module for testing purposes.

As things develop I hope to build out a dedicated spot in the Devices section for these modules so I can document their development and share resources.